GHN Timeline: From 1 to 1,000

Publishing our 1000th newsletter today, we're looking back on how much we've grown—with support of our smart and engaged readers around the globe—from our no-frills inaugural enewsletter, on January 2, 2014: 

Screenshot of GHN's Inaugural Enewsletter, January 2, 2014

To our current enewsletter's look:

GHN's 2016 Newsletter Template

Going back to 2014, here's a peek at our very first postcard:

GHN's First Postcard
The referenced media source is missing and needs to be re-embedded.

Followed by our new-and-improved version:

GHN's Second Postcard

We were excited to launch our first website in 2015, especially since it gave us the chance to post and share exclusive commentaries and reports.

GHN's First Website

GHN's first website launched in spring of 2015, providing a home for GHN exclusive articles and commentaries.

In September 2016, we launched our current website, below, with more capacity to highlight and share the most interesting stories in global health each day.

GHN's New and Improved Website, September 2016