Introverts sign at the March for Science

7 Best Signs from DC's March for Science

Before the March for Science on Saturday in Washington DC, the scientists and friends got creative. They bought posterboards, brainstormed and came up with some superb signs. (Okay, some printed out the standard signs but they were probably busy discovering something very important.)

Here’s a selection of our favorite signs.


Brain science combo from March for Science 7

7, Brain Science and Fear Combo


Mad Scientist sign from the March for Science 6

6. Mad Scientist


5 Pi sign from the March for Science

5. Secret message from Pi


4 What do we want

4. What every scientist wants...


Science because you cannot make things up sign from the March for Science

3. Because you can't make this stuff up


Science is all about facts sign from the March for Science

2. Science is all about facts, right?


Our favorite sign from the March for Science says: Science is under a salt.

1. Science is under a salt. (We have a weakness for great puns!)


Ed. Note: Be sure to read the full GHN story on the March for Science in Washington, DC on April 22, 2017.



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The March for Science on Saturday in DC. drew crowds that included the very shy who hid behind their signs. Images: Chloe Simpson, Colt Simpson